Boyfriends In Blankets –


Landon makes Bryce breakfast while Bryce sleeps. Bryce wakes up to his alarm and jumps into action, thinking that heA’s late at work. Landon comes across him and tells Bryce to calm down, itAs Saturday and that heA’s off work. He also says that they will both enjoy sleeping in the mornings. Bryce is excited to learn that Landon doesnAt work and eats bites after bite of delicious oatmeal and fruit. They have a lot of intimate love and they kiss, touch, and roll around on the bed. Landon and BryceA are great muscle hunks. Landon is gentle with his partner as they have passionate sex. The energy builds until both of them are exhausted.

From: menover30
Date: June 3, 2022
Category: Alt Porn

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